Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to own a guitar to take lessons?

No, you can borrow one of our guitars for in-person lessons. However, without a guitar at home, you simply cannot practice. And practice equals progress. We highly recommend purchasing a starter guitar and can make recommendations based on your playing style and budget.

How often should I practice per week?

Practicing 15 to 30 minutes per day, five days a week, consistently is the key to progress. We’ll make the exercises fun, and as you build strength, dexterity, and muscle memory, your practice time will increase without you even thinking about it.

Even as little as 5 minutes per day will help. Just play!

Why are my fingers sore after playing?

Beginning guitarists often experience soreness in their fingertips as they develop calluses on their fingers. This is because playing the guitar requires applying pressure on the strings, which can be uncomfortable for beginners until their fingers become accustomed to the pressure. To alleviate the discomfort, it’s recommended that beginners take breaks during practice sessions to rest their fingers, stretch their hands and fingers, and consider using lighter gauge strings. Over time, the calluses will develop and the discomfort will subside. It’s important for new guitarists to be patient and persistent in their practice to develop the muscle memory and finger strength necessary for playing guitar.

What if I can’t make a scheduled lesson?

No worries. Give us 24-hour notice of your cancellation and we’ll be happy to reschedule your lesson.

Should I take in-person or virtual lessons?

The decision to take in-person or virtual guitar lessons ultimately depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. In-person lessons provide the benefit of face-to-face interaction with a teacher, allowing for immediate feedback and personalized guidance.

How do I access virtual lessons?

Our virtual guitar lessons are scheduled in advance. You will be provided with a calendar invite which includes a link to join the virtual lesson. Virtual lessons are usually run through Google Meet or FaceTime. Whichever is more convenient for you.

How can I improve my guitar playing speed?

You can improve your guitar playing speed by practicing scales, exercises, and techniques that focus on speed and accuracy. It’s also essential to practice with a metronome to develop a sense of timing.

How do I tune my guitar?

You can tune your guitar by using an electronic tuner, tuning fork, or by using the fifth fret method. You can also use a guitar tuning app on your smartphone.
Watch tutorials on YouTube, but definitely invest in a tuner (priced from $19 to $150 depending on the type), tune after every few songs, and play in tune. You’ll enjoy the experience much more.

How do I choose the right guitar for me?

When choosing a guitar, consider your musical goals, playing style, and budget. You should also try out different guitars and consult with a seasoned musician or music store professional (keep in mind that they are sales reps) to help you make an informed decision. If you’re taking lessons from me, ask me and I can make some great recommendations at every price point!

How can I improve my guitar-playing skills?

You can improve your guitar playing skills by practicing regularly, learning new techniques and songs, and studying music theory.

What is the best way to learn guitar?

The best way to learn guitar depends on your learning style and preferences. You can learn from books, online tutorials, or by taking lessons from a guitar teacher. It’s recommended that you practice consistently and set achievable goals to keep yourself motivated.